Program | Code | Download |
Change the BASIC colours to classic green-on-black theme. |
10 poke 53280,0:poke 53281,0:poke 646,5 |
termcol.prg |
The classic code line to print a maze pattern. |
10 print chr$(205.5+rnd(1)); 20 goto 10 |
mazedraw.prg |
Check which SID chip the machine uses. |
10 fori=0to67:reada:poke49152+i,a:next 20 sys49152:a=peek(251) 30 b=a:sys49152:a=peek(251):ifa<>bthen30 42 data162,29,169,0,157,255,211,202,208,250 44 data120,173,17,208,41,239,141,17,208,169 46 data32,141,14,212,141,15,212,169,49,141 50 data18,212,162,0,134,251,160,0,173,27 60 data212,197,251,144,2,133,251,232,208,244 70 data136,208,241,169,48,141,18,212,173,17 80 data208,9,16,141,17,208,88,96 100 ifa<128thenprint"6581":end 110 print"8580" |
checksid.prg |
Print prime numbers. |
0 printchr$(147):l=1000000:b=2:c=3 1 forn=ctol:ford=bto(n-1):ifn/d=int(n/d)then3 2 nextd:printn; 3 nextn |
prime1.prg |
Benchmark how long it takes to calculate all prime numbers up to 255. |
0 dima(255):k=2:n=0:c=1:g=2:z=255:x=128:e=ti 1 forn=gtoz/k:a(n*k)=c:next 2 forn=k+ctoz:ifa(n)<>cthenk=n:n=z 4 next:ifk<xthen1 5 print(ti-e)/60"seconds":print"any key for results" 7 geta$:ifa$=""then7 10 fort=1to255:ifa(t)=0thenprintt 20 next |
prime2.prg |